Report to:

Hub Committee


21 November 2023


Draft Corporate Strategy

Portfolio Area:

Cllr Mandy Ewings

Leader West Devon Borough Council

Wards Affected:



Andy Bates

Neil Hawke


Chief Executive

Assistant Director Strategy





That the Hub Committee:

1. ENDORSES the draft Corporate Strategy (Appendix B refers);

2. DELEGATES authority to the Assistant Director Strategy, in consultation with the Leader and Deputy leader to apply any final amendments to the draft Corporate Strategy prior to commencement of the public consultation exercise;

3. AGREES to commence the formal consultation on the draft Strategy; and

4. INSTRUCTS the Senior Leadership Team and Assistant Director Strategy to support Hub Lead Members in the development of detailed delivery and resourcing plans for the Strategy.



1. Executive summary


1.1     This report sets out the progress since the previous meeting in the preparation of a draft corporate strategy for the period 2024 – 2028. Once adopted, the strategy will be the Council’s overarching strategic document setting out our aims and ambitions for the borough.


1.2     The report also sets out how we will continue with consultation on the strategy to shape delivery plans for consideration by Council in February 2024.



2. Background

2.1      At its meeting on 11th July 2023, the Hub Committee considered a report on ‘setting priorities for the new Council’ and agreed the approach and timeline for the development of a new 4-year corporate strategy for the new political administration to respond to the needs of our residents and communities in West Devon.


2.2      The timeline for developing the strategy, including progress to date, is set out in Appendix A to this report.


2.3      In parallel with the development of the outline strategy, it was agreed to undertake a fundamental review of the Council’s capital programme, earmarked reserves and Medium-Term Financial Strategy, to ensure these are aligned to the delivery of the new administration’s plans (which is the subject of a separate report on this agenda).


2.4      Since the last meeting, Hub Lead Members, supported by Advisory Groups open to councillors from all political parties, have been refining the aims and ambitions for the borough based on known challenges (such as the lack of truly affordable housing and the climate and biodiversity crisis) and feedback from residents during the May 2023 election campaigns. This has provided an initial opportunity for views from the full membership to be reflect in the draft strategy.


2.5      The draft strategy (Appendix B) is intended to act as a catalyst for further conversations with key partners and our communities over the coming months and to assist us with developing detailed delivery plans for the strategy, against which our progress and performance can be assessed.



3.  Proposal and Next Steps


3.1      The draft corporate strategy is set out at Appendix B to this report and will form the basis for ongoing consultation and engagement. It is intended that it will be updated annually with appropriate amendments, probably relatively minor in most cases, to the actions to ensure it remains relevant.


3.2      The draft strategy has been developed based on several discussions with Hub Lead Members and through Advisory Group meetings. The advisory groups have been beneficial in developing the work to date and it is recommended that they meet again to consider the detailed delivery plans.


3.3      It is recommended that a period of formal consultation will commence from 27th November to 12th January 2024. During this period, we will seek views on the draft aims and ambitions through:


·               An online survey on the full strategy;

·               A series of ‘quick polls’ on social media channels to gain feedback on specific aims and ambitions;

·               Conversations with key partners including town and parish council;

·               Face to face attendance at several locations across the borough to gain views from residents on our priorities;

·               Make available (on request) a paper survey for anyone not able to provide their thoughts online; and

·               Provide all Borough Councillors with FAQ’s and a briefing note to enable them to have discussions on priorities within their own communities.


3.4      When the consultation closes, the responses will be analysed, and Hub Lead Members will consider the feedback to make any refinements to the strategy alongside delivery of the detailed delivery & resourcing plans for each ambition.


3.5      The final strategy and delivery plans (including resourcing plans) will be considered by the Hub Committee on 30th January 2024 and subject to agreement, recommended for adoption to Full Council on 20th February 2024.


4. Implications



proposals Y/N

Details and proposed measures to address




The Corporate Strategy is one of the plans and policies that comprise the Council’s Policy Framework. Consequently, decisions to approve, adopt or amend the final Corporate Strategy and themes will be decisions of the Full Council.

Financial implications to include reference to value for money



There are no direct financial implications arising from this report.


The Council will seek to align the Council’s corporate strategy (what we plan to do) to the Council’s medium-term financial strategy (how we plan to resource it).


Separate finance reports are included on the same agenda.


Having an agreed Corporate Strategy ensures that Council resources are aligned to delivering on agreed priorities and plans.



There is a risk that the Corporate Strategy is not agreed when finally considered by Council however this is mitigated through our consultation and engagement activity and by forming cross-political party Advisory Groups to shape the strategy and delivery plans.

Supporting Corporate Strategy


This report sets out proposals for consultation on a draft corporate strategy for the Council.

Consultation & Engagement Strategy


Informal consultation has already commenced via conversations with Town and Parish Councils and other key partners to help shape the draft priorities. It is recommended that a period of formal consultation will commence from 27th November and run through until 12th January 2024.


During this period, we will seek views on the draft aims and ambitions through:

· An online survey on the full strategy;

· A series of ‘quick polls’ on social media channels to gain feedback on specific aims and ambitions.

· Conversations with key partners including town and parish councils.

· Face to face attendance at several locations across the borough to gain views from residents on our priorities.

· Make available (on request) a paper survey for anyone not able to provide their thoughts online.

· Provide all Borough Councillors with FAQ’s and a briefing note to enable them to have discussions on priorities within their own communities.

Climate Change - Carbon / Biodiversity Impact


The strategy will reaffirm our commitment to climate and biodiversity.

Comprehensive Impact Assessment Implications

Equality and Diversity






Community Safety, Crime and Disorder



Health, Safety and Wellbeing



Other implications





Supporting Information



Appendix A – Timeline and progress.

Appendix B – Draft Corporate Strategy.


Background Papers:
